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We deliver purpose-driven strategic communications and marketing services to help government organisations engage hearts and minds for a better future

Communication strategies

From the launch of new services, policies and programs to the delivery of infrastructure projects and major events, we design practical strategies to communicate your mission and message across with clarity, confidence and credibility. We masterfully craft powerful stories and compelling value propositions that engage hearts and minds, spark conversation and drive action, ensuring all content reflects your brand’s values, vision and voice.

  • Communication strategies
  • Brand strategies
  • Marketing communications strategies
  • PR and media campaigns
  • Community engagement strategies
  • Education campaigns
  • Advocacy campaigns



Reputation management

Your reputation is your most valuable intangible asset. It plays a critical role in many key areas, such as attracting and retaining quality staff, building trust with stakeholders, advocating for resources, and the general positioning of government organisations within their sectors and industries. Rather than waiting for a crisis to hit to spring into reputation management mode, organisations need to proactively manage their reputation by embedding a culture of reputational risk mitigation across all teams and reputation responsibility for all leaders.

We help organisations to put in place a proactive reputation management program. We also provide support in times of issues management and crisis. We’ve led crisis communications teams and coached leaders in responding to some of Australia’s highest profile incidents and issues, including the Victorian floods (2011 & 2022), Cranbourne Methane Gas crisis (2008), Black Saturday fires (2009), Springvale Salmonella outbreak (1997) and Victorian Gas crisis (1998). 


Branding & design

With a deep understanding of your organisation’s goals and target audiences, we can create brand identities and branded assets for services, programs, initiatives and events, that reflects your unique style, attitude, values and voice. Services include logo development, branded templates, brand style guides, and graphic design newsletters, brochures, flyers, posters, social media tiles and more.

We also design corporate documents, such as corporate plans and annual reports.

Content & copywriting

We are wordsmiths at heart and love helping government organisations make a positive first impression with professionally-written corporate publications and marketing collateral. Our expert copywriters have extensive experience in producing an extensive range of online and offline communication resources including:

  • Website content
  • Media releases
  • Professional biographies
  • Business profiles
  • Social media content
  • Sales letters
  • Advertorials
  • Blogs
  • FAQs
  • Newsletters
  • Brochures
  • Annual reports
  • Tenders
  • Award nominations
  • Speeches
  • And more.

Stakeholder engagement

We design and deliver stakeholder and community strategies and processes in line with the principles and models of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2). Our approach differs from others because we integrate strategic communications and engagement to ensure you send the right message to the right audience through the right channels at the right time, and engage audiences at the right participation level and using the right participation methods. Services include strategic communications and engagement plans, workshop delivery, focus groups and more.

*Photo by Bob Dmit from Pixabay

Coaching & training

Our one-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions for government leaders and communications professionals provide advice, feedback and specialised instruction, offer new perspectives, brainstorm and provide support material when needed. Sessions are conducted via video conference. Sessions can cover a range of topics, for example:

  • Addressing a marketing, public relations or communication challenge
  • Understanding your personal communication style and how to adapt it
  • Crafting messages for different audiences
  • How to conduct an effective media interview
  • How to become a more confident, competent and persuasive speaker
  • How to build your online profile 
  • How to become a trusted media advisor
  • How to structure and deliver a workshop
  • How to structure and write a speech
  • or any other communication topic of interest

We also provide a range of workshops and masterclasses to build knowledge and skills. See the Training page for details.


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